Muller Primera C130, 6 feeders, 2 cover feeders and a 5 knife trimmer.
1 x 4 feeder Muller stitching line.
1 x Harris stitching line.
Folders All MBO’s with cross units.
T530 miniature folder.
T700 6 plate with 6 plate cross unit.
2 x T800’s.
B30 with double gatefold plate.
2 x Rambundler.
Perfecta 115 guillotine.
Iram 4 headed drill + 1 x 2 headed drill,
Adpak: Auto shrinkwrapper with stayflat system. 2 x L sealers.
Coltec 28 station flat bed multi collator.
Renz Auto punch, P500 heavy duty punch and a Renz high speed wirobinder.
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